For an accessible and stable hunting experience. The Pro100EQ combines our spacious 6’x6′ Hunting Blind with our custom 10′ Utility Trailer.


Versatility to the max. The Pro85GO allows you to easily tow, drop, and set up your blind right at your hunting location. The Pro85GO is designed for a short, easy setup.

Clear Sight Trailers

Hunting for Everyone

To help hunting be accessible to everyone is a true passion for Clear Sight Outdoors. And the Pro100EQ does just that. With hydraulics to lift the stand, it lends the same vantage point as sitting in a tree.


Get one trailer that can do it all. Once your blind is in place the Pro85GO is ready to haul your projects and cargo throughout the year.

Clear Sight Hunting Blinds

360° Vantage Points

Glass windows with a steel frame allow for 360° vantage points for both archery and rifle.

Year Round Comfort

Our insulated steel panels have been tested and guaranteed an R11 value insulation.